05 January 2011

Start running? OK, I'll do it!

2010 Thoughts

During 2010 I have fleeting thoughts about me running. Bruce sets out most mornings on a run. Maybe I could run too?! I’d do it secretly though – then one morning I’d get up and set out with him. Surprise!! But then I remind myself – I am not a runner. I am a vigorous walker, an occasional swimmer. I love Pilates. More lately I go to Zumba dance classes. That’s what helped the idea take hold more strongly. I can Zumba for an hour and pretty well keep up with those young women in the class. I’m sweating and panting and laughing by the end but I’m doing it. Maybe I can run?

31 Dec 2010 A Decision Is Shared

I share the idea with Bruce. He’s going to buy some new running shoes. I casually said I thought I’d come along and get some too so I could run 5km by the time I turn 60 on the 4th June 2011. My “secret” thought is now out in the open for the first time.

Bruce is great. He knows me so well. Doesn’t make a big deal about it. Just comments that he thinks it’s a realistic goal. Later he asks what I hope to achieve – what does it mean to me to do this? I just want to see if I can do it, especially at “my age”. I’m in my 60th year for goodness sakes. A bit late to be pushing so hard? However, I’ve seen other people start from being a non-runner and go on to run. e.g. Bruce. “Zero” to a marathon in less than a year was so impressive. He was 50 when he made the decision. Can an almost 60 year old become a runner too?!

5km of running? Feels utterly impossible to me at this point. I honestly don’t know right now if I could run for 30 seconds – but if others can do it surely it must be possible for me too. I want to find out. I figure it’s about making a decision and taking a step, then another. And paying attention. Taking care of myself throughout the process.

I’m sure I’ll learn lots and have things to apply in other areas of my life, etc., etc. And that’s why I think I’ll write about what happens to me along the way.

But for now – can I do this? Doubts creep around the edges of my mind.

Off to buy some good shoes. A very fit looking young runner type woman helps me out – she’s very positive and encouraging. I feel a bit embarrassed as I describe my non-running history and current goal. She’s very matter-of-fact as she says I’ve set an achievable goal and chooses a running shoe she thinks is best for me for where I’m at now. I ask if they come in blue – and yes, there’s one blue pair left in my size. I take it as a sign! They are so pretty! White webbing with baby blue trim. I feel silly but I think that having these sparkly shoes will help somehow. Anything that makes me smile will surely help me run?!

The treadmill test – I run for a bit (40 seconds I think she said. Whew, I can run for longer than 30 seconds!) and I actually look good on the video playback. Legs, feet and ankles all look strong and straight. Thank-you Pilates, Zumba and walking. I tuck my beautiful new shoes under my arm and start to mentally prepare myself for my first outing in the morning.

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