06 January 2011

Day 6 - A rest day and a quote

Day 6 - a rest day and a quote

Self-transcendence is the art of challenging one's limitations and striving to better our previous achievements.

In this light, running and self-transcendence are inexorably linked together. Every single time we take to the road, forest or track, we challenge the limits of our bodies, minds and beliefs, one mile at a time, and prove to ourselves and the world that the human body and spirit is capable of far more than we normally dare to imagine.

Run and become,
Become and run
Run to succeed in the outer world,
Become to proceed in the inner world.
- Sri Chinmoy.



  1. Woo-hoo. You can do it! In fact, you just about have. Three minutes! Wow! I'm positive you will meet your goal in no time and be reaching for the next hurdle.

  2. Thanks Mary! That's what I need to be hearing.
