07 January 2011

Day 7 - Progress

Run day - yippee! Down my big glass of lemon water, don the pretty shoes and decide to warm up my joints and energy flow with a session of Qigong. I start on the back deck and then, as I move into "Ocean Breathing", I realise I'd rather be doing this on the beach with the ocean in front of me. It was so much better doing the gentle moves and breathing with the wind in my face and the waves rolling in at my feet.

Tide very high and what little beach is showing is littered with branches and tree trunks. So I walk along the top of the dunes and drop over to follow the inside track. It's a beautiful summer morning - soft warm breeze, sun shining, a lovely winding track with sweet smelling coastal grasses and flowers .
I break into a run and count my right foot steps. I surprise myself. 120 to start - about 2 minutes. That's new! Hmmm... 7 days ago that was simply not possible. Walk a bit. Run 120. Walk a bit. Run 120. And I'm at Bridge St. already and keep on running to Pine Ave. Walk. Run 60 steps. Walk. Run 60 steps. Walk. Then back to 120. I wanted to get in a 180 step - 3 minute burst but it's not happening today. And that's ok with me. I am home before I know it and I have run at least twice as much as I did on Day 1. And I am feeling good. Pain free. I feel like I have made steady progress at a reasonable rate that is pushing me and is keeping me safe from injury.
Stretches on the back lawn. Berry smoothie and some muesli. Shower - and move into my day feeling quite energized.
Judy thoughts:

1. Notice and appreciate the environment as I move through it. At one point I was oblivious to the sights and sounds of the Estuary as I concentrated on breathing and steps. Taking in the beauty around me helped me be strong.

2. When I noticed a few grumbly thoughts in my head, I reminded myself, from muscle testing days, that negative thoughts make you weak. Positive thoughts make you strong. So I cut out the grumbles and chose positive thoughts. I felt stronger and ran for a longer burst.

3. The most important person to listen to is myself. I can take in all sorts of information and advice - but it is essential for me to be tuned in to me so that I can make the right decisions for me.

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