31 January 2011

Day 23 - 30 No, I haven't given up!

A few of my followers have been asking ... What's been happening?!! Thanks for your interest and support. It's been a week of Run and Rest days. Also a lot of gardening on the week-end that resulted in a stiff lower back, so days 28, 29 and 30 I moved a bit carefully and stuck to walking. However, today am feeling rested, energetic and more flexible so will be getting out there this afternoon.

Early in the week, I was feeling a bit discouraged at the apparent lack of progress. I had thought that by week 4 I'd be able to run for longer periods. Bruce talked to me about trusting the run/walk process and there are plateau periods and as long as I just keep getting out there and running, I'll get the results.

Judy Thought: I have a little voice in my head that reminds me that I do have a body in its 60th year and tells me that it is a big ask going from non-runner to 5km. I listen and wonder - am I using my age as an excuse to not push harder? Or am I being sensible and taking care of myself? The debate continues...

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