08 January 2011

Day 8 - Tough one today

So it's not going to be a joy every day! Bugger! I thought I might be the exception to the all stories I've heard about people feeling the ups and downs of training. Enjoyed the Qigong warmups on the beach and the Pilates stretches afterwards. And the berry smoothie. Everything in between felt hard and the idea of eventually running for the full loop felt impossible. What moment of madness possessed me to say I would do this! And why did I decide to make this a public effort and share it with so many people? Ah yes, support. Thank-you all.
I ran/walked the distance chatting away like this in my head the whole time. Reminded myself to look around at the beauty. Did lots of 1 and 2 minute runs with less walking in between so that's a good sign. I've got a rest day tomorrow to perk myself up and reflect on why I am doing this to myself. Get myself in a better space to get out there and enjoy the process.
Judy thoughts:
A couple of the Discovery tools came to me upon reflection. 1. If it's to be, it's up to me. 2. Just Do It. We drilled these concepts into those teens programme after programme. Now it's my turn to use them to help me through this challenge.


  1. That's right Judy. The only one who can do this is YOU. Awesome.

  2. Where is the photo of you in those pretty shoes???

  3. Hard to take a picture of myself sprinting through the gate! I'll get Bruce onto it.
