23 January 2011

Day 19-22 Mix of Run & Rest

Rest a couple of days, stretching from time to time to help a slightly stiff muscle on my inner left knee sort itself out. Then next day have a lovely run/walk on my beach/estuary loop. The blustery beach is very invigorating. I continue the 2 and 3 minute running bursts with walking in between. It requires effort but doesn't feel hard. Interesting to notice this. I'll keep with this pace and schedule until it feels right to push to another level. Run for a 10 minute burst?! Oooo, that'll be good!

I even feel more like a runner now cause I have on some nicer gear. Splashed out on some New Balance shorts and a shell to match. So now I am not just a pretty pair of shoes!

Judy Thoughts: "Act As If" until I become "the runner".

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