31 January 2011

Day 31 - Judy's Boot Camp

The conversation in my head continued: Judy, my dear (I decided to be kind to myself as I descibed what was going to happen)... The goal is 5km. You know you can easily walk briskly the 5km and well beyond so you are already reasonably fit. The new component is to do the 5km running. So start doing this today - alternate 5 minute run and a 5 minute walk until you do your 5km.

I decided on the treadmill so I could keep track more easily (as I still don't have a running watch). It is also a more even surface than my beach, road, dunes, grass and gravel pathways I usually go out on and feels easier to manage somehow.

And I went ahead and did what I was told by me! And guess what - I feel great!

Just for the end of the first month record, the workout went like this:

Walk 10 mins at Speed 6 to warm up (I also hold .5kg weights in hand when I do the walk portions)
Run 5 mins at Speed 7.5
Walk 5 mins at Speed 6
Repeat equal time in the walk and run portions until ...
Last run 6:10 mins at Speed 7.5 to "cross the finish line". I meant to put it up to 8 to sprint across! Next time.
By the way, all done on the flat. Inclines can come later!
Total time 46:10mins
Running portions total: 21:10 mins
Heart beat at rest: 76
While running it got up to 127
Sweat?: Lots!
Weight: no change yet. I am looking forward to 5kg slipping off during this process.

Judy Thoughts: My belief in myself has sky rocketed! I really can do this! Thanks everyone for your kind words of support and encouragement!!

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