05 January 2011

Day 5 - There's hope for me!

Day 5 There’s hope for me!

Wake to a cool and drizzly day. Hmmmm. Up to now have been getting up early to beautiful summer days, drinking my big glass of lemon water (daily habit after a liver cleanse years ago – great way to kick start the liver), don my pretty shoes and odd mix of clothing and head down to the beach to do my run/walk,walk,walk. Not sure about running in the wet so decide to wait awhile for the weather to clear up. I do some Qigong with a borrowed DVD to get energy flowing through my body – all the major joints in particular. Love the breathing and energy flow. Hardly aerobic but feels great – very relaxing and centering. I’m afraid that if I delay any longer I may miss out on my run, walk, walk, walk today. So put on a couple of layers and set out at 11:13. Bruce not available so I am going solo.

Interesting. I begin to run and feel quite good. I count my right foot steps to measure my distance. 80, then walk. 100, then walk. 60, then walk through the Bridge St exit. I have decided along the beach portion that at some point in this run today I will count to 120 (= about 2 minutes). I do it along Bridge St! 120!! Who would have guessed it was possible!! Walk, walk, walk. And walk some more. Work at breathing very deeply. Then I have another go and keep going till I’ve counted out 180 right foot steps. Oh my G..!! I’ve run for about 3 minutes!! I walk lots, do another few 60, 80 and 100 counts and then do the sprint through the gate home. Lungs are heaving, sweat is running off me. And I’m laughing! So proud of myself for setting out and pushing myself a bit but not to the point that I am hurting. 12 noon. I’m getting home a bit faster! I had an unkind thought along the way that I could probably walk faster than I was running at some points – but I don’t care. I actually feel like there is hope for me. I can do this!

I enjoy the stretches. Make a tasty lunch. Get on with the rest of my day. I am feeling great!

Judy tip: Have faith and just do it. Enough people have gone through this process that there must be something in it! My body is responding. Very slowly but surely I am becoming a runner!

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