18 January 2011

Day 18 Today - I do some 5 minute runs!!

The day progressively got colder and wetter and I was gearing up mentally for a cold, wet run. Then a lightbulb went off in my head. We have a treadmill stashed away in a spare room! Doesn't get used much cause Bruce goes out in all weather except really nasty winter mornings. I used to walk vigorously on it doing various incline programmes (but no running - remember, I was a non-runner until 18 days ago!)

So I go plug it in, set it to Manual and away I go on my walk/run. I keep the incline the same (flat) and vary the speed. I amaze myself by running a couple of times for 5 minutes!! Did my 5km with sweat flying all over the place. Whahoo!! Maybe I'm a treadmill girl! Although I did miss seeing the ocean and Estuary today. I tried to listen to a CD but couldn't hear it very well with my feet thumping away. Need to get my iPod and ear buds sorted out with some music and maybe some inspirational stuff. Whatever will help me move and get stronger.

Geez, 8pm - a few hours after my walk/run and I feel buggered! What am I doing to myself? Hmmm... now that I am pushing a bit harder is it time to look more closely at proper training instead of just winging it?

Judy Thoughts: I realised today, as I ran along on the treadmill, that I thrive on variety. Same old, same old  just doesn't excite me. So I'll keep this in mind as I develop a more interesting training programme for myself. Indoors, outdoors, different routes, mix of after run food and drink, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Judy.....and great to see your progress as well as your internal dialogue. When I'm on the treadmill, I keep thinking "wish I was outside in the warmth....!" So, enjoy the beautiful area you live in and enjoy the scenery!
