16 January 2011

Days 12-15 Delay Tactics Explored

Rest. Run. Rest. Rest. All on track. The run day was interesting. I've heard about delay tactics and they made their presences known on Day 13. I think the running honeymoon period is over!

No doubt other runners will recognise a few of these:

1. I wake to early morning cold and drizzly rain: I'll just wait a bit to see if it clears up before I head out.

2. I'm hungry: I'll have something to eat before I head out.

3. I'm full: I'd better digest my breakfast for an hour before I head out.

4. Phone calls: I'll just make a couple of calls. Oh yes, and check my emails before I head out.

5. It's clearing up at mid-day: Better have some lunch before I head out.

6. It's getting hot: I'll wait till evening when it cools down before I head out.

Ha! I caught myself at #5 and headed out. Qigong warm-up on the beach and did the loop. 2 and 3 minute runs amongst the walking. Stretches to follow. Felt great. And proud of myself that I didn't give in fully to the delay tactics playing in my mind.

Judy Thoughts: Procrastination ... Hmmmm, I'll write more about this later.

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