11 January 2011

Day 11 - High expectations, realistic results

So funny really. Had my lemon water, did my Qigong. I was feeling great! Relaxed and energised. And my mind said just run the whole 5km loop. Get on with it! After a 2 minute burst I was walking again! Had a little laugh at myself and kept on with 2 and 3 minute runs in amongst the walking. Note: no 1 minute runs! I decided that there would be minimum of 2 minute running bursts so pushed myself at least that much. I also was aiming to be sprinting through the gate within 40 minutes. Took me 43. However, as one of my favorite characters says ... tomorrow is another day. Yes, Scarlett O'Hara and I have been like this - imagine crossed fingers - over the years. I've always admired her gutsyness in the face of many challenges and her eternal optimism. I think I'll take her running with me tomorrow!

Judy thoughts: Mind over matter only goes so far in physical training. My body will eventually do what my mind says. There is just a bit of a time lag.

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