31 January 2011

Day 31 - Judy's Boot Camp

The conversation in my head continued: Judy, my dear (I decided to be kind to myself as I descibed what was going to happen)... The goal is 5km. You know you can easily walk briskly the 5km and well beyond so you are already reasonably fit. The new component is to do the 5km running. So start doing this today - alternate 5 minute run and a 5 minute walk until you do your 5km.

I decided on the treadmill so I could keep track more easily (as I still don't have a running watch). It is also a more even surface than my beach, road, dunes, grass and gravel pathways I usually go out on and feels easier to manage somehow.

And I went ahead and did what I was told by me! And guess what - I feel great!

Just for the end of the first month record, the workout went like this:

Walk 10 mins at Speed 6 to warm up (I also hold .5kg weights in hand when I do the walk portions)
Run 5 mins at Speed 7.5
Walk 5 mins at Speed 6
Repeat equal time in the walk and run portions until ...
Last run 6:10 mins at Speed 7.5 to "cross the finish line". I meant to put it up to 8 to sprint across! Next time.
By the way, all done on the flat. Inclines can come later!
Total time 46:10mins
Running portions total: 21:10 mins
Heart beat at rest: 76
While running it got up to 127
Sweat?: Lots!
Weight: no change yet. I am looking forward to 5kg slipping off during this process.

Judy Thoughts: My belief in myself has sky rocketed! I really can do this! Thanks everyone for your kind words of support and encouragement!!

Day 23 - 30 No, I haven't given up!

A few of my followers have been asking ... What's been happening?!! Thanks for your interest and support. It's been a week of Run and Rest days. Also a lot of gardening on the week-end that resulted in a stiff lower back, so days 28, 29 and 30 I moved a bit carefully and stuck to walking. However, today am feeling rested, energetic and more flexible so will be getting out there this afternoon.

Early in the week, I was feeling a bit discouraged at the apparent lack of progress. I had thought that by week 4 I'd be able to run for longer periods. Bruce talked to me about trusting the run/walk process and there are plateau periods and as long as I just keep getting out there and running, I'll get the results.

Judy Thought: I have a little voice in my head that reminds me that I do have a body in its 60th year and tells me that it is a big ask going from non-runner to 5km. I listen and wonder - am I using my age as an excuse to not push harder? Or am I being sensible and taking care of myself? The debate continues...

23 January 2011

Day 19-22 Mix of Run & Rest

Rest a couple of days, stretching from time to time to help a slightly stiff muscle on my inner left knee sort itself out. Then next day have a lovely run/walk on my beach/estuary loop. The blustery beach is very invigorating. I continue the 2 and 3 minute running bursts with walking in between. It requires effort but doesn't feel hard. Interesting to notice this. I'll keep with this pace and schedule until it feels right to push to another level. Run for a 10 minute burst?! Oooo, that'll be good!

I even feel more like a runner now cause I have on some nicer gear. Splashed out on some New Balance shorts and a shell to match. So now I am not just a pretty pair of shoes!

Judy Thoughts: "Act As If" until I become "the runner".

18 January 2011

Day 18 Today - I do some 5 minute runs!!

The day progressively got colder and wetter and I was gearing up mentally for a cold, wet run. Then a lightbulb went off in my head. We have a treadmill stashed away in a spare room! Doesn't get used much cause Bruce goes out in all weather except really nasty winter mornings. I used to walk vigorously on it doing various incline programmes (but no running - remember, I was a non-runner until 18 days ago!)

So I go plug it in, set it to Manual and away I go on my walk/run. I keep the incline the same (flat) and vary the speed. I amaze myself by running a couple of times for 5 minutes!! Did my 5km with sweat flying all over the place. Whahoo!! Maybe I'm a treadmill girl! Although I did miss seeing the ocean and Estuary today. I tried to listen to a CD but couldn't hear it very well with my feet thumping away. Need to get my iPod and ear buds sorted out with some music and maybe some inspirational stuff. Whatever will help me move and get stronger.

Geez, 8pm - a few hours after my walk/run and I feel buggered! What am I doing to myself? Hmmm... now that I am pushing a bit harder is it time to look more closely at proper training instead of just winging it?

Judy Thoughts: I realised today, as I ran along on the treadmill, that I thrive on variety. Same old, same old  just doesn't excite me. So I'll keep this in mind as I develop a more interesting training programme for myself. Indoors, outdoors, different routes, mix of after run food and drink, etc.

17 January 2011

Day 17 Does lawn mowing count as a rest?

Great to have today as a rest day - although I did spend an hour mowing lawns. And shifting heavy stuff around. So did I really rest and repair? I think I'll keep doing something on my "off" days - Zumba dance classes, swimming, walking, gardening, ...

Tomorrow I run again. Yippee!! Hmmmm... it's late. Better get some sleep.

Judy Thoughts: I gotta just keep on moving - no matter what. Be aware. Choose carefully. Yet, keep active. And keep the end goal in mind! At least 5km by 4 June. Even the rest day activities are contributing to the end result. So grateful to all who are sending me their supportive thoughts.

16 January 2011

Day 16 Endorphins where are you?

Felt very tired this morning and my right leg felt stiff around the knee. Really didn't want to head out but thought if I had more than 2 rests days between run days I would lose all momentum. On reflection, I left it a bit late and should have had a bite to eat first but could tell it was going to be a really hot day and just wanted "to get it over with" before it heated up. Great attitude eh?! Did some leg stretches half way through the loop just to be careful. I had that "what the hell am I doing this for" conversation playing in my head so I switched to noticing the stunningly beautiful Canterbury summer day I was running/walking through. That helped a lot.

Had a berry smoothie on return. I always look forward to that - however, not good on a really empty stomach after running. Ended up feeling queasy and yuck.

So there you go. Another running experience for Judy. Learning more about my body as I go. Wondering when I'll get to feel those "happy endorphins" that make running a joy. Is this a myth? I am so far from that point now!!

Judy Thoughts: Nothing today....think I'll go lie down.

Days 12-15 Delay Tactics Explored

Rest. Run. Rest. Rest. All on track. The run day was interesting. I've heard about delay tactics and they made their presences known on Day 13. I think the running honeymoon period is over!

No doubt other runners will recognise a few of these:

1. I wake to early morning cold and drizzly rain: I'll just wait a bit to see if it clears up before I head out.

2. I'm hungry: I'll have something to eat before I head out.

3. I'm full: I'd better digest my breakfast for an hour before I head out.

4. Phone calls: I'll just make a couple of calls. Oh yes, and check my emails before I head out.

5. It's clearing up at mid-day: Better have some lunch before I head out.

6. It's getting hot: I'll wait till evening when it cools down before I head out.

Ha! I caught myself at #5 and headed out. Qigong warm-up on the beach and did the loop. 2 and 3 minute runs amongst the walking. Stretches to follow. Felt great. And proud of myself that I didn't give in fully to the delay tactics playing in my mind.

Judy Thoughts: Procrastination ... Hmmmm, I'll write more about this later.

11 January 2011

Day 11 - High expectations, realistic results

So funny really. Had my lemon water, did my Qigong. I was feeling great! Relaxed and energised. And my mind said just run the whole 5km loop. Get on with it! After a 2 minute burst I was walking again! Had a little laugh at myself and kept on with 2 and 3 minute runs in amongst the walking. Note: no 1 minute runs! I decided that there would be minimum of 2 minute running bursts so pushed myself at least that much. I also was aiming to be sprinting through the gate within 40 minutes. Took me 43. However, as one of my favorite characters says ... tomorrow is another day. Yes, Scarlett O'Hara and I have been like this - imagine crossed fingers - over the years. I've always admired her gutsyness in the face of many challenges and her eternal optimism. I think I'll take her running with me tomorrow!

Judy thoughts: Mind over matter only goes so far in physical training. My body will eventually do what my mind says. There is just a bit of a time lag.

10 January 2011

Day 9 & 10 - Rest days refresh the mind as well as the body?

I decided to take a couple of days off of actually running to let my body repair anything that it detected needed repairing. I've been feeling really good - just wanting to go slow to ensure I stay whole and healthy through this process. I did some good walks though - one going uphill that I know would have had me puffing hard before and it felt as easy as walking on the flat. Great to notice the changes. Tomorrow I'll be out early doing my 5km loop. Looking forward to it.

Judy thought: Rest days repair and refresh the mind as well as the body?

08 January 2011

Day 8 - Tough one today

So it's not going to be a joy every day! Bugger! I thought I might be the exception to the all stories I've heard about people feeling the ups and downs of training. Enjoyed the Qigong warmups on the beach and the Pilates stretches afterwards. And the berry smoothie. Everything in between felt hard and the idea of eventually running for the full loop felt impossible. What moment of madness possessed me to say I would do this! And why did I decide to make this a public effort and share it with so many people? Ah yes, support. Thank-you all.
I ran/walked the distance chatting away like this in my head the whole time. Reminded myself to look around at the beauty. Did lots of 1 and 2 minute runs with less walking in between so that's a good sign. I've got a rest day tomorrow to perk myself up and reflect on why I am doing this to myself. Get myself in a better space to get out there and enjoy the process.
Judy thoughts:
A couple of the Discovery tools came to me upon reflection. 1. If it's to be, it's up to me. 2. Just Do It. We drilled these concepts into those teens programme after programme. Now it's my turn to use them to help me through this challenge.

07 January 2011

Day 7 - Progress

Run day - yippee! Down my big glass of lemon water, don the pretty shoes and decide to warm up my joints and energy flow with a session of Qigong. I start on the back deck and then, as I move into "Ocean Breathing", I realise I'd rather be doing this on the beach with the ocean in front of me. It was so much better doing the gentle moves and breathing with the wind in my face and the waves rolling in at my feet.

Tide very high and what little beach is showing is littered with branches and tree trunks. So I walk along the top of the dunes and drop over to follow the inside track. It's a beautiful summer morning - soft warm breeze, sun shining, a lovely winding track with sweet smelling coastal grasses and flowers .
I break into a run and count my right foot steps. I surprise myself. 120 to start - about 2 minutes. That's new! Hmmm... 7 days ago that was simply not possible. Walk a bit. Run 120. Walk a bit. Run 120. And I'm at Bridge St. already and keep on running to Pine Ave. Walk. Run 60 steps. Walk. Run 60 steps. Walk. Then back to 120. I wanted to get in a 180 step - 3 minute burst but it's not happening today. And that's ok with me. I am home before I know it and I have run at least twice as much as I did on Day 1. And I am feeling good. Pain free. I feel like I have made steady progress at a reasonable rate that is pushing me and is keeping me safe from injury.
Stretches on the back lawn. Berry smoothie and some muesli. Shower - and move into my day feeling quite energized.
Judy thoughts:

1. Notice and appreciate the environment as I move through it. At one point I was oblivious to the sights and sounds of the Estuary as I concentrated on breathing and steps. Taking in the beauty around me helped me be strong.

2. When I noticed a few grumbly thoughts in my head, I reminded myself, from muscle testing days, that negative thoughts make you weak. Positive thoughts make you strong. So I cut out the grumbles and chose positive thoughts. I felt stronger and ran for a longer burst.

3. The most important person to listen to is myself. I can take in all sorts of information and advice - but it is essential for me to be tuned in to me so that I can make the right decisions for me.

06 January 2011

Day 6 - A rest day and a quote

Day 6 - a rest day and a quote

Self-transcendence is the art of challenging one's limitations and striving to better our previous achievements.

In this light, running and self-transcendence are inexorably linked together. Every single time we take to the road, forest or track, we challenge the limits of our bodies, minds and beliefs, one mile at a time, and prove to ourselves and the world that the human body and spirit is capable of far more than we normally dare to imagine.

Run and become,
Become and run
Run to succeed in the outer world,
Become to proceed in the inner world.
- Sri Chinmoy.


05 January 2011

Day 5 - There's hope for me!

Day 5 There’s hope for me!

Wake to a cool and drizzly day. Hmmmm. Up to now have been getting up early to beautiful summer days, drinking my big glass of lemon water (daily habit after a liver cleanse years ago – great way to kick start the liver), don my pretty shoes and odd mix of clothing and head down to the beach to do my run/walk,walk,walk. Not sure about running in the wet so decide to wait awhile for the weather to clear up. I do some Qigong with a borrowed DVD to get energy flowing through my body – all the major joints in particular. Love the breathing and energy flow. Hardly aerobic but feels great – very relaxing and centering. I’m afraid that if I delay any longer I may miss out on my run, walk, walk, walk today. So put on a couple of layers and set out at 11:13. Bruce not available so I am going solo.

Interesting. I begin to run and feel quite good. I count my right foot steps to measure my distance. 80, then walk. 100, then walk. 60, then walk through the Bridge St exit. I have decided along the beach portion that at some point in this run today I will count to 120 (= about 2 minutes). I do it along Bridge St! 120!! Who would have guessed it was possible!! Walk, walk, walk. And walk some more. Work at breathing very deeply. Then I have another go and keep going till I’ve counted out 180 right foot steps. Oh my G..!! I’ve run for about 3 minutes!! I walk lots, do another few 60, 80 and 100 counts and then do the sprint through the gate home. Lungs are heaving, sweat is running off me. And I’m laughing! So proud of myself for setting out and pushing myself a bit but not to the point that I am hurting. 12 noon. I’m getting home a bit faster! I had an unkind thought along the way that I could probably walk faster than I was running at some points – but I don’t care. I actually feel like there is hope for me. I can do this!

I enjoy the stretches. Make a tasty lunch. Get on with the rest of my day. I am feeling great!

Judy tip: Have faith and just do it. Enough people have gone through this process that there must be something in it! My body is responding. Very slowly but surely I am becoming a runner!

Start running? OK, I'll do it!

2010 Thoughts

During 2010 I have fleeting thoughts about me running. Bruce sets out most mornings on a run. Maybe I could run too?! I’d do it secretly though – then one morning I’d get up and set out with him. Surprise!! But then I remind myself – I am not a runner. I am a vigorous walker, an occasional swimmer. I love Pilates. More lately I go to Zumba dance classes. That’s what helped the idea take hold more strongly. I can Zumba for an hour and pretty well keep up with those young women in the class. I’m sweating and panting and laughing by the end but I’m doing it. Maybe I can run?

31 Dec 2010 A Decision Is Shared

I share the idea with Bruce. He’s going to buy some new running shoes. I casually said I thought I’d come along and get some too so I could run 5km by the time I turn 60 on the 4th June 2011. My “secret” thought is now out in the open for the first time.

Bruce is great. He knows me so well. Doesn’t make a big deal about it. Just comments that he thinks it’s a realistic goal. Later he asks what I hope to achieve – what does it mean to me to do this? I just want to see if I can do it, especially at “my age”. I’m in my 60th year for goodness sakes. A bit late to be pushing so hard? However, I’ve seen other people start from being a non-runner and go on to run. e.g. Bruce. “Zero” to a marathon in less than a year was so impressive. He was 50 when he made the decision. Can an almost 60 year old become a runner too?!

5km of running? Feels utterly impossible to me at this point. I honestly don’t know right now if I could run for 30 seconds – but if others can do it surely it must be possible for me too. I want to find out. I figure it’s about making a decision and taking a step, then another. And paying attention. Taking care of myself throughout the process.

I’m sure I’ll learn lots and have things to apply in other areas of my life, etc., etc. And that’s why I think I’ll write about what happens to me along the way.

But for now – can I do this? Doubts creep around the edges of my mind.

Off to buy some good shoes. A very fit looking young runner type woman helps me out – she’s very positive and encouraging. I feel a bit embarrassed as I describe my non-running history and current goal. She’s very matter-of-fact as she says I’ve set an achievable goal and chooses a running shoe she thinks is best for me for where I’m at now. I ask if they come in blue – and yes, there’s one blue pair left in my size. I take it as a sign! They are so pretty! White webbing with baby blue trim. I feel silly but I think that having these sparkly shoes will help somehow. Anything that makes me smile will surely help me run?!

The treadmill test – I run for a bit (40 seconds I think she said. Whew, I can run for longer than 30 seconds!) and I actually look good on the video playback. Legs, feet and ankles all look strong and straight. Thank-you Pilates, Zumba and walking. I tuck my beautiful new shoes under my arm and start to mentally prepare myself for my first outing in the morning.

Day 1 - 4 ... I Make a Start

Day 1

1 Jan 2011 New Year’s Day. I’ve dreamt/worried/fretted/thought about this through the night. Where? How? What’ll I wear? Go feel foolish by myself? Ask Bruce to keep me company?

My plan … walk for 10 minutes to warm up. Run for 1 minute. Walk for 5 minutes. Run 1. Walk 5. Do a 5km loop – over the dunes and along the beach to Bridge Street, down to and along the Estuary Walkway to Owles Tce then home. Run 1. Walk 5. Till I get home again. Sounds easy? Let’s go! Put on the pretty shoes, any old comfortable clothes. Hat? Sunglasses? Enough- just get out and move!

8:35: Walk to the beach. I notice that my left leg is stiff and sore along the inside of the knee. Bugger! Should I push it and injure myself on the first day? Give in before I’ve even started?! Wait a day till this goes away? Or carry on and see what happens? My mind is a mess of confusion as the time approaches to … run! Bruce checked if I’d like him to come along and I decided that I’d like his company. He’s been here – a non-runner just a few years ago. He asks about my plan and thinks it’s a good one. After all, I’ve decided to do what he did to start out. He also understands that this is my journey so in no way imposes himself on my process. From time to time along the way he offers a few comments about what has helped him along the way. I am grateful for his support – and that he in no way pushes me or takes away from this experience.

A group of young athletic runners, a mix of men and women, come along. We hear them chatting from a distance. I cringe a bit cause I don’t want to take my first running baby steps in front of these fit, fluid beautiful people. I decide to take it as a sign – they’re here to see me off on my running journey. As they pass us I break out of my brisk walk into – a running stride! I’m off, with Bruce by my side fitting in with my “marker method”. I realize that my plan about minutes won’t work cause my watch doesn’t have a second hand! So I run from one beach entry walkway to the next one – actually I go for two. Puffing a bit and switch to a brisk walk past a couple of them, run to the next one then walk past a couple. Keep doing this until we get to the South Brighton Surf Club and the Bridge St exit. We take a bit of time to stretch out my legs. Left leg is still feeling stiff and sore. I realize there is no actual rush at this point – taking care of myself is more important than feeling compelled to keep moving once I start. That was a new idea – thank-you Bruce.

Carry on. Walk a bit then run to the round-about. Very puffed but got there – just! Walk to Estuary Walkway entrance. Stretch my leg out again. Start choosing “milestones” to reach along the way (the second lamp post, the big tree, the curve in the path) and at Bruce’s suggestion – run through them with no slowing up as I approach them. Run a bit. Walk some more. Run a bit, Walk more. Run – very puffed. What have I got myself into?! My lungs just don’t have the capacity to give me enough oxygen - yet. Bruce has encouraging words along the way. Calmly letting me know that I’m on track and doing great. This is great?!! Run. Walk. Run .Walk. Another Bruce tip he shares with me – finish any run as you want to finish in a race. So at the corner of my street I run towards home and sprint the final few metres, feet thudding through the gate, as I cross “my” finish line for today.

9:25 One hour all up with the stretching breaks along the way. Finished puffing hard but recovered pretty fast. Kept sweating for awhile. Feeling good – elated actually! Leg no longer sore. I have made a gentle start. I did it and survived. Time to do some stretches. Bruce shows me the ones given to him by a physio that helps his knee. They resemble my Pilates stretches so I do them quite comfortably. I add a few others that I like. Now time for a berry smoothie and then a shower. Well done Judy!!

Judy tip:

Don’t spend too much time designing the plan, getting the clothes right (except for good shoes), setting up schedules, thinking about the right food, running style, etc., etc. I know I could have stalled indefinitely as I researched “how to start running”. Just get out and move in a caring way – run, walk, run, walk. Stop and stretch if you feel a need, and keep going till you get home. See what happens. Stretch. Observe how you feel – body, mind and spirit. Look forward to your next outing.

Day 2

Bruce heads off on a longer run loop this morning. I’m left to my own devices. Get myself dressed, pretty shoes on. I feel self-conscious heading off on my own. Walk to the beach and down a short way. Solid wet sand left by a high tide going out provides a hard yet giving surface – less impact than concrete pathways. Run a bit, walk lots. 3 sets and turn off at Bridge St. Left leg feeling good – not stiff and sore like yesterday so I don’t stop to stretch. I run to the round-about. Walk. Run to Estuary Walkway. Shorter run times but more frequent. ie. less walking. I feel like I need some kind of marker to keep track of how I am doing. I start counting when my right foot hits the ground. When I reach 60 I switch to walking. I combine this with setting distance markers. I hear feet thudding behind me – it’s Bruce! Caught up with me on the last leg of his longer loop. He joins me, happy to match my pace. Walk, run, walk, run. Sprint through the gate. Water. Stretch. Muesli and berry smoothie time. Shower and pat myself on the back.

At the end of the run-walk I was feeling puffed but energized. A bit sore up the front of my thighs. Will do some quad stretches through the day.

Thoughts? Cannot imagine my lungs ever being able to last for 5km. – going for more than about a minute is my current limit. Will carry on though and see what happens with repetition.

Day 3

Very stiff quads! Hard to stand up after sitting for awhile! Decided last night that this would be a “recovery day” so don’t feel like I am piking out of running but know it is part of my “plan”. Slept very well – in fact, had trouble waking up. Is this part of recovery from my extra exertions?

Day 4

A run day. Bruce joins me. The beach is too soft and uneven to run on so we run/walk along the top of the dunes and go down the other side along the track on the inside of the dunes. I set the pace. I count my right foot steps. 60. Then walk, walk, walk. I get to 80 and later 100. Back to 80, then 60. Feet and legs feel fine. No pain or stiffness. So I think the rest/recovery day was a good idea. My lung capacity is so low though. It’s what is letting me down. But there already seems to be an improvement. I sprint through the gate gasping for air. Laughing with excitement at completing the dash.

Why am I doing this? To see if it is possible for me. And if it generates other changes.

I create and post the blog. I plan to write every day to track my progress. Would love to hear stories about how other runners got started.