01 May 2011

Day 117 - 122 I think I felt an Endorphin!

Well, I've pulled myself together after that last run in the heat that didn't go so well. Two days later I did a 5km all on my own, heading north and circling round through New Brighton. I almost pealed off for home and clock in a 30 minute =  3.5km run but when I scanned myself and checked out how I was feeling, I realised I had more in me. So I kept on running to clock up 40 minutes = 5km of running. I felt quite proud of myself to keep myself going without the support of my running buddy. It was so easy to just say - enough's enough. Just head home.

I put off running for a few days cause I managed to poke a stick in my eye while I was pruning the raspberries! My eye felt very bruised and looked terrible - a bloody red area spread out over the white of the eye for a few days and it ached quite a lot. I feel so fortunate that I did no major damage - a very close call!! A few ml to the centre and I'd be telling a different story right now.

So today, I set out with Bruce to do the old dune and estuary circuit. We did a warm up walk along the top of the dunes where brisk winds and noisy ocean felt very invigorating. We talked about me getting some warmer gear sorted - hat and gloves, long pants and warmer top will be needed as winter sets in. I'll need to be prepared for anything by the 4th June.

Then we drop down to the quiet and calm of the sheltered dune track, along to Bridge Street and up to the Estuary walkway. We ignore the signs that told us the walkway was closed - I wanted to see all the earthworks that have been done to build up the shoreline that has sunk from the earthquake. Tons of earth have been brought in to build up the shoreline to prevent flooding of the nearby streets and houses.

The first part of the run I was struggling a bit - working hard, breathing heavily. I find my "second wind", as my daughter descibed it. The running becomes easier. I have to remember that it takes me 5-10 minutes to get my lungs and other muscles warmed up and working well.

Bruce comments that I always keep a steady pace. I don't even think about it.  I wonder if it is the musical part of me that provides a steady "metronome" beat in some way. I concentrate mostly on my breathing. Deep intakes, strong pushing out. Relax my shoulders and chest to allow the flow to happen.

I decide I really want to get to 40 minutes today so we make up a new route that keeps me going for awhile longer - in fact longer than I had intended. Through New Brighton to Lonsdale, east to Marine Parade and back home. I could have stopped at the Clocktower and done my 5km but something in me said .. you feel good, all is going well, your next breath will be there, you are not in any pain ... so, just keep running till you get home. So I kept chugging away until I got to my street and then .. I speed up to sprint through the gate to home!! 47 minutes of running!!

I think I felt an endorphin at that point!! Very exhilerating. I laughed and puffed away to catch my breath, walked in circles around the back yard to calm down, enjoyed my stretches, reveling in my accomplishment!!

Judy Thoughts: Sometimes I think back to the beginning of this venture, January 2011- when I'd be mentally shaking my head and saying ... This is crazy. This is impossible. I can only run for 2 minutes at a time!There is no way I can run for 45 minutes without stopping. Well, 4 months on and I've actually done it. And I still mentally shake my head at the wonder of it. And I give myself a big pat on the back and have a huge grin on my face!!!

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