15 May 2011

Day 133 - 136 Another 5km

I've done a couple of runs since my last write up. There was a shorter one two days ago with music urging me on. I enjoyed the variety of my selections - although the pace wasn't always quite right. So rather than try to run to the beat I just felt the energy of the music push me along.

Then today I headed out with Bruce determined to put in another 5km effort. With just 3 weeks to go before my birthday run, I really do need to be sure I am in a good place to do my run so I am not totally buggered by the end! After all, I may want to party up a bit afterwards!

No music today. That's the back-up strategy for when Bruce is busy. Having him with me and being able to chat a bit is the best support for me at the moment. While heading south over the dune track, he and the sun were just behind me but his shadow was right beside me. That was kind of fun.

The new element I added today was to run the portion of the dune track that I usually walk before dipping down to the flat track. This meant doing some incline work while running. That got me puffing more and my body handled the ups and downs pretty well. I carried on to complete 5.5 km. in 45 minutes. So I am feeling very satisfied with myself.

Judy Thoughts: The countdown is on - 19 more sleeps. That means keeping fit, healthy and injury free for another 8 training runs before my first "public" event. I'm feeling confident and excited.

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