25 May 2011

Day 140-146 Keeping up the momentum to B-day

To start, I thought I'd share some photos of the amazing environment I get to run through!

I've been running every other day, looking for ways to "improve" on my 5km of running. I've now added in running along the top of the dunes, which is harder with the ups and downs. Also, I've been working at getting my time under 40 minutes for the 5km circuit. I was so close in my last run at 40:25. I figured a few seconds faster here and there on each km and I'll do it. I was so disappointed on the next run, after pushing myself at certain places, that I ran it in "only" 41:55. And I had to laugh at myself! I just ran for 5 km for goodness sakes!! What's to be disappointed?!!

Maybe the best "improvement" I could look for is actually enjoying the running. I always feel fantastic at the end - a real "wow" rush as I sprint through the home gate and feel proud that I've done it again.

But the run itself? As I start out it's not easy as my body works very hard to get going. The middle section is just a hard plod and the last part is grim determination to complete the run so I can say I did it. (Hmmmm... I hope this isn't a metaphor for life?!!)

Doesn't sound like much fun, does it?! Yet I have discovered in myself a certain perverse pleasure in pushing my physical limits - which I have yet to understand. And I have used strategies which have helped change my state of mind - such as listening to music, chanting rhythmic positive "mantras" in time to my steps and something as simple as looking up.

Judy Thoughts: The good bits I can easily recognise? Sharing this experience with Bruce. The environment I run through is spectacular. Being supported with encouraging words from so many people. And the weather has been very kind to me over the last 4 1/2 months. I've only used the treadmill twice when it was especially cold and rainy.


  1. Love the photos. I had no idea your circuit was quite so beautiful. Hopefully you are able to enjoy it while pushing yourself to your chosen goals. Well done you.

  2. Judy,

    Hey! Those pics look mighty familiar. Yes, running itself does become very enjoyable. Your mind can free-flow and meditate a bit once the physicality of running is not so omni-present.

    I'm breaking in a pair of bare-feet Vibram Five Finger shoes, basically a thin strip of rubber to protect your feet. Was doing 2 minute run, 1 minute walk yesterday to help the heels, feet, ankles and shins adjust. Mucho fun.

