18 May 2011

Day 137 - 139 Solo 5km

Whew, that took some effort today! I headed out on my 5km circuit on my own. No Bruce. It was all up to me to keep moving along and there were several times that I felt like stopping and walking. And a couple of times I was ready to cut it short and head home. I pushed myself through the "head stuff" in the end.

A few things that helped me run the whole distance.

1.This blog and the people that I know are reading it. I knew that I would be writing about my run tonight. Along the way, I thought about what I could say and knew that I wanted to be able to write and share with you that I ran the whole 5km. Thank-you out there for helping to hold me accountable to my goal!  You have been so interested and supportive. I want to give you a reason to smile and be proud!

2. I didn't want to let myself down. This has been a huge effort with lots of important learnings and I really want to see it through successfully. So keeping going was so important - especially at this stage. 17 more sleeps, 7 more training runs - and then it's my day. I have to be ready. So now, stopping along the way is not really an option.

3. The music that was playing in my ears. It was energetic and positive. And I don't know the playlist well enough yet to know what's coming next - so there was some anticipation involved. I can see that putting it on shuffle and varying the content will be useful to keep my interest up.

4. My watch. I crossed the finish line in 40minutes 40seconds. When I saw 36 minutes on my watch I stepped up the pace cause I was so close by that point. I really wanted to cross the finish line in 40minutes or less. I didn't quite make it. But I know I can do it now. I just need to step up the pace a little bit at times during the run.

Judy Thoughts:   #1-4 above

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