11 May 2011

Day 125 - 132 Let there be Music!!

Well, it's been a busy week as I sort out how to wire myself up to music for running.

I had some fun sorting through my iTunes library to find music that will keep me energised when I run by myself. I was finding that on my own I was feeling a bit bored - despite the beautiful landscapes I was running through. 40 minutes on the trot was getting just a bit tedious when I didn't have someone along to share the experience.

So to perk me up I thought I'd try out some music to keep me smiling and moving along at a good clip. I made up a Running playlist of about 50 possibilities - then spent an hour and a half on the treadmill trying them all out. Whew, that was a great workout in itself! I was looking for songs that had a strong beat that would match my running speed. And also songs that had words that would feed me positive messages. Also a few just for the fun of them and/or the feel-good memories they brought back to me. So I narrowed it down to 20 songs - 4 that are good for walking energetically to warm up and then 16 to keep me moving between 7.5 and 9km per hour. Yes, I'm going to see if I can use music to get my 5km done a bit faster now.

So I've got my music playlist on the computer ready to go. The next step was to sort out the hardware - to start with, earbuds that would stay in my ears. I must have wierd ears cause the usual earbuds fall out even if I'm just sitting still. A headset seemed ridiculous to run in. However, my ever resourceful daughter told me about a great sports set that loops over the ears and holds the buds solidly in place. I found them! They work!

Then I found a tiny MP3 player with a display screen. It was beautiful - metalic purple and seemed just the right size and had a big clip on the back to secure it while running. And 4GB!! And only $30!! Wow, I was getting excited. Yes, I can hear you all shouting out - but you need an iPod shuffle to use your iTunes music! This I discovered as I was walking out the shop door - the saleman happened to mention to this technophobe that I'd need a converter that I could "easily" download and use to convert iTunes to the MP3 fomat and blah, blah, blah... My heart sank - getting too complicated now. I just wanted some music to wire into my ears. Bruce said he was sure we could work it out. So we kept walking.

Ha!! Several hours later after much Googling for info, I actually found what I needed in the iTunes Help file! In 3 quick steps I added an MP3 converter to the Advanced drop down menu and converted my 20 songs. Then I had to find them! That was another saga - but they're in a special file now. And finally there they were on my little MP3 player! Then had to learn how to work that little sucker! Geez. However, I felt very proud of myself after all that for calmly working through the techno-tangle to get there in the end.

So time to give it a go! I set the player to my walking songs and head off - very energetically (I think they are really running songs! I have to rein myself in a bit!) I arrive at the clocktower all pumped up and ready to start my run. Once there, I switch to the running songs and head off. I'm pelting along, a huge smile on my face, the fast beat carrying me forward, seeing myself flick off a 30 minute 5km. No problem. And then the music stops. What?! I shake my new friend and press all the buttons to try to bring it to life but ... I find that the battery is dead! I just can't believe that after all I've been through, I have no music now on my first outing!! I laugh aloud at myself and laugh some more. I console myself with  ... it is a bit tricky to turn off and I must have left it on all day by mistake. Geez. Well, I keep running but it's not quite the same.

Two days later, it's a chilly wintry afternoon so I opt for the treadmill. I wire myself up to a - yes - fully charged MP3 and set off, racing like a mad thing to keep up with the music! Ah Judy, I just have to keep laughing - very kindly - at myself!

Judy Thoughts: I think this week has been about persistance. Keep doing it until you get the results - whether it is a 5km run or getting music into my ears or anything else I set myself to accomplish.

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