25 April 2011

Day 111-116 I need to keep focused now

Sprinting through the home gate

The "new" running gear, Sorry Megan, bit late posting the pics!
I've been running for shorter distances every second or third day since my 1st 5km a couple of weeks ago (Day 101) but thought on Day 115 I'd go for another 5km. It is a late April, Easter week-end and it predicted a cool drizzle on Sunday. However, to everyone's surprise it showed up as a beautiful, clear blue sky day which I thought would be perfect for a run! However, it was the hottest temp that I have run in - at 25C.
I set out late afternoon on a new route from the Clocktower in New Brighton and headed north along the dune track next to Marine Parade and then continued on a circuit east up Bowhill Road, then through the golf course back towards home. I was very optomistic that I could knock off another 5km. However, I was hit by the heat and got incredibly thirsty. I grabbed a slurp of water at a water fountain in the golf course (thank goodness that was there or I was done!!). I carried on running, puffing very heavily and decided to cut back on the planned distance. Headed for home and through the gate clocking in 3.5km in 30 minutes.

Not a bad effort really - back in January that would have been a miracle effort!! But it is not what I had set out to do 4 months on so am feeling disappointed in myself. I think it may have to do with one too many glasses of wine, one too many hot cross buns and several too many chocolates eggs - indulging in too many Easter treats that slugged me down. There's also the poor sleeps - waking at 2am and wandering around the house in a post earthquake/aftershock daze. Reading till 5am then catching a bit of shut eye till 6 or 7am. Not the best training regime I suppose.

I have lots of excuses but the bottom line is that I have gotten a bit complacent about my efforts and need to re-focus so that I can do my 60th birthday run easily and effortlessly - no matter what the conditions.

That's the problem with going public on something like this. Lots of people now know about this! Many have been so supportive. I don't want to disappoint anyone - especially myself! I really want to finish what I set out to do and so May is the month to consolidate and get  more serious about this.

Judy Thoughts: I am visualising the run on my 60th birthday. Friends and family have gathered to support me. At 3pm we walk to the start line - the New Brighton clocktower. I set out running with Bruce by my side as well as anyone else who may like to join in on foot or bike. There is somone with a sign at each 1km distance cheering me on, a cup of water ready for me to take up on the way past to refresh me if I need it. I easily run the 5km circuit and sprint through the gate breaking through the "Finsh Line" ribbon . Everyone is cheering and congratulating me.  Lots of high fives and sweaty hugs all round. I feel very happy and proud that I have acheived my goal. I head off to do my stretches, shower and change while everyone else is ready to have a drink and share a meal together. We enjoy an evening of good fun, food and friendship.

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