03 May 2011

Day 123 - 124 Rest day then a short run.

Didn't feel much like going out today. Felt tired, a bit queasy and grumpy too. A couple of earth shakes through the night meant not the best sleep. And then in the morning I rode in the van for the Herekeke Club, helping to pick up elderly folk through the eastern suburbs to take them to "The Club" for a day out. The roads through these areas keep shifting and sinking and, despite the heroic efforts being made by the roadworks teams, it was a very bumpy ride with unexpected detours from closed streets lengthening our journey. I also find it distressing to see yet more empty spaces where there used to be familiar landmarks - whole blocks of damaged shops have been demolished and cleared away since last week.

But I had decided when I woke up that it would be a run day and it had been in the back of my mind all day. So when 4pm rolls around, I get dressed in my gear and set out. Bruce joins me. I said from the outset that I thought it would be a short one cause I still wasn't feeling great but was open to seeing what would happen once I got outside and moving. The fresh air and ocean and estuary views perked me up. The running went well and I moved along and breathed fairly easily. However, at 20 minutes of running I decided that was enough and switched to walking. 

As we headed down our street and were within sight of home, we saw a friend delivering our weekly supply of organic vegetables. So I decided to put on a spurt to do my sprint through the gate! Thought I'd let him see how I usually end a run! It made me laugh - a great way to finish off.

Judy Thoughts: I don't have to push myself every time I go out. It is enough to know that I now can choose to run or not to get to my destination.

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