31 March 2011

Day 89 - 90 Another 20 minute burst!!

I was on my own today. Bruce was busy in my preferred afternoon run time and he did his run earlier in the day. So I geared up for a run on my own about 3pm. Was feeling good and ready to have a go at ...  a new personal best?!! As I chugged along I did think it would be great to get home and be able to share with Bruce that I had run for 25 or 30 minutes non-stop. However, after a 10 minute warm-up walk and 20 minutes of running I was feeling some strain in my hamstrings into my buttocks and thought that was a great effort and walked again. I was always checking out the state of my mind and body. I could feel my mind scattering away on me from time to time which affected my breathing so I kept working at focusing myself with a rhythmic "mantra" again which relaxed me and helped me carry on. I am prepared to push myself while also staying a bit cautious. Still, I felt quite proud of myself that I am actually running for 20 minutes now.

Judy Thoughts: I have come a LONG way from puffing and having to walk after just 2 minutes!!

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