04 April 2011

Day 91 - 95 Another push! 25 minutes of running!!

Wasn't up to too much on Friday (Day 92) after some morning dental work that left me exhausted. Even the next day I took as a recovery day. A bit of pain sure takes it out of me. However, I was lucky to have a lovely place to recover in cause we spent the week-end at our friends' organic farm north of the city. We shooed them away for a break and took over the feeding of the chickens and geese and watering of the winter seedlings. We also had a chance to do some "nana sitting" - an elderly parent whose home was damaged from the earthquake is now living at the farm and we kept her company, enjoying some meals together and sharing stories and some good laughs.

By Sunday (Day 94) I was up for a run in the fresh country air and headed down the lane. 10 minutes of walking on gravel lanes to a main road then - yes! 25 minutes of running!!! Turned around after 10 minutes and trotted on back. Then about 8 minutes back to home base. Driving out that night we measured the running distance at about 3km. So I am definitely getting close to my 5km goal! I am very excited about that - and proud of myself.

Judy Thoughts: Yes, I can almost hear those people who said that my body would surprise me saying "I told you so"! And I don't mind. I love this kind of surprise!

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