08 March 2011

Day 62-67 Earthquake inertia then a run!

Every day I've thought about going for a run. But the day to day earthquake survival activities in our eastern suburbs seemed to fill the hours until it was dark again. Amazing the physical and psychic energy it takes to live with no power, water or toilets for 2 weeks. And always being on high alert of preparedness just in case we have a repeat of that awful day when Mother Nature shook our lives apart. A friend asked me to post my "emergency getaway list" and will do that on a separate post.

Yesterday, late in the day, I decided to get on my running gear and see what would happen. I was apprehensive. I hadn't run for 3 weeks. 1 week of illness and 2 weeks of coping within a national disaster. Would I be back to square zero and have to build my fitness level up from scratch? Such a discouraging thought kept me from even trying. Would the incredibly high stress and deep sadness I have been feeling make extending myself difficult? even harm me? Crazy thoughts maybe but this was what was going on in my head.

Bruce came with me and I set the direction and pace. The run/walk combination suited him as he is still adjusting to his vibram five-finger running shoes - barefoot running - so needs to keep his running shorter as his feet and legs get used to a new style of movement.

We did a 10 minute brisk walk along the top of the dunes then moved down onto the flat inner dune walkway to do my usual loop. When I moved into a run and was able to keep going for a 5 minute burst I felt surprise, relief and delight! I carried on alternating walking and running with a final fast sprint through the gate to home!

Judy Thoughts: I have learned more about how my body works. I found I could carry on from where I left off 3 weeks ago with a fair bit of residual fitness intact. So if there should be another break in training, I will feel confident that my body will respond well. However, the activity felt so good that I am looking forward to my next outing and giving the training high priority. And I feel happy knowing that 5km by my birthday can be achieved after all.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Judy. Well done, especially under such trying circumstances. Our thoughts are still with you all and the political pressure is coming to bear now which may see some extra assistance to your suburb, among others. Kia Kaha.
