12 March 2011

Day 71 Hot water determines run time

The timing of my run today revolved around hot water - or the lack thereof in our household due to the earthquake. Here's the story...we now have both power and water coming into our house. But because our 200 litre hot water cylindar popped out of its brackets during the earthquake and started slipping down the roof along with the solar panels, I had to get it emptied really quickly to reduce the weight so it could be lifted and strapped back in place and - until we get water back into it and the solar panels back on the roof we have no hot water. We now wait for the plumbers to become available to reinstall the system and I think we may be way down on our damaged city's list of priority jobs.

So with no hot water for awhile, keeping cleans requires a bit more effort. I know, I could be brave and wash in cold showers. But hot water is just so much more comforting and feels more cleansing. So we either heat water up on our gas hob and sluice ourselves down standing in a bin in our bathtub. We can use a solar shower bag but it just doesn't do it for me. Or we take up the generous offer from friends who offer us their hot water services.

So back to the run ...  Having my usual morning shower to wake up and then a shower later in the day after a late afternoon run (my preferred time) just seemed excessive so I compromised with no morning shower (a hot cloth in critical areas did the trick) and a noon run followed by a shower at friends. They also have a spa pool so I was really blissed out by the end of the day!

The run itself? Bruce and I went out together and I did another 10 minute burst with three lots of 5 minutes as well!! So 25 minutes of running for the 47 minute run/walk circuit felt great! I wore the heart monitor today as well - while running my heart rate would be up in the high 140's and quite quickly go back down towards 100 while walking. After stretching it was back down to the usual 60's range at rest. I think that's about right for where I'm at now.

Judy's Thoughts: I'll extend that 10 minute burst next time out. I decided today on the next milestone to run to. I'm learning to consciously relax when I feel myself tense up with the effort of breathing. And trust that the next breath will be there for me. I really am getting the hang of this now and know that I can run continuously for whatever it takes to cover the 5km. It's just a matter of building up to it gradually and safely.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you are back to running. And it sounds as if you have made quite a breakthrough.
