29 March 2011

Day 88 Why not just keep running till you get home?

Well, today marked a new high in my running efforts! Two things happened and I have my wonderful Bruce to thank for each of them.

We had done a 12 minute warmup walk along the beach during which my thoughts ran along the lines of - I haven't been sleeping well (earthquake excuse), I'm not really up for any great effort and maybe I just have a good brisk walk today and say that's a good enough.

Then I ran for 15 minutes. And felt a bit disappointed in myself. Should have got to 20 again. Oh well. Walked for 5 minutes. Reluctantly broke into a run and somewhere in the next 5 minutes Bruce could feel me struggling and suggested I find a rhythm to concentrate on. I immediately came up with the phrase (and this is going to sound really far out and hippy dippy to many) "I love you" and kept repeating that in time to my running. 8 beats to the "mantra" equal to 8 running steps. (I x2, love x2, you x4) Well that carried me through. I thought - what more powerful and uplifting thought is there than love! It really made me feel strong.

So we came to the sandbagged area and walked over that - didn't want to turn an ankle on very uneven surface at this point. I had thought I'd just walk home from there. But then broke back into a run - just for another 5 minutes I thought, then it was, well, just get to the bridge, the gate, the road ...at which point Bruce casually said - why not just keep running till you get home?

Ok. I checked myself out and I was breathing well, loping along fairly easily, maybe it wasn't that far to go ...  so I just kept going - another 10 minutes of running (with the "I love you" rhythm supporting me) and I even did a final sprint along the road through the gate to home!! 30 minutes of running all up. 18 minutes of walking. I really think I'm going to be able to do this 5km run by 4 June!!

Judy Thoughts: The combined power of thought and a loving partner supports me towards my goal.

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