29 March 2011

Day 81 - 87 20 minutes non-stop running!!

Just realised I have entered Week 13 which means I have completed 3 months of training! Haven't I done well!! Pat, pat on my back!

I've been alternating days of running and resting for the past week. Often getting to the 15 minute mark mixed with lots of 5 and 10 minute bursts within the 5km loop. Then two days ago I set out thinking it was time for another push. That meant running for 20 minutes non-stop. And I did!!! Bruce and I set off in a different direction altogether. I was ready for a change from our usual loop. We thought we'd run along the river walkay to the north but found it was taped off and we could see from the bridge that the walkway was very severely damaged from the earthquake. So we swung along through the park and golf course and headed "cross country" then back through New Brighton. So I even got a bit of mild hilly golf course territory to puff along over.

A very fit and experienced runner friend recently suggested I get rid of the watch and just go for a run. However, my running watch has been a vital part of my training. I realise I have no sense yet of running distance or time. I know that the watch does not lie and helps me keep track of how I am doing. It would be so easy to say I've gone far or long enough but the watch helps me measure and pace and push myself. Come on it says to me - just two more minutes and you'll set a new personal best. So I'll use it as a tool until I reach my birthday goal and then maybe run differently.

Judy Thoughts: Did you hear that?!! Sounds like I may keep running even after my birthday!!

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