21 March 2011

Day 75-80 Running at Hanmer Springs

I've had a good variety of activity this week. I ran with Bruce the day before leaving for Hanmer Springs and we took the Estuary Pathway together even though it was still "blocked off". We found a whole section had been sandbagged quite extensively in preparation for the full moon "king tide" due on the week-end. It was done to help prevent flooding of the properties by the river. I'll have to go back there when we return to check out if the effort was successful. I haven't seen any news reports of flooding.

Friday we headed out of town for a break from all the shaking. I haven't been sleeping well - along with most of the city I think! Being woken up by your house shaking violently is very frightening. I still keep solar lights scattered around the house at night so I can see without fumbling around for a torch if I need to act quickly ie.get out of the house! We have a checklist for a quick getaway that I go through before going to bed each night. It includes clothes and shoes on the floor beside me to grab on the way out. What a way to live, eh?! There is always an edge for me through the day as well - the sense that at any moment the earth could heave up again and throw me around. Once having experienced that terrible feeling, I find it hard to shake off - so to speak!

So yes, I organised us a shake-free break in beautiful, peaceful Hanmer Springs. This is 2 hours north of Christchurch which puts us closer to the Alpine Fault I know - but surely that won't pop on us while we're here?!! That would be too cruel!

And I think it is just coincidence that we are here on the week-end the the "Moon Man" predicted a major event in Canterbury - but I'm glad to be out of it "just in case" the man's theories have some validity. Also, I have two friends who have a psychic ( http://conniehdeutsch.com/ ) who rather acurately forewarned them about both big Christchurch earthquakes as well as the event in Japan. And she has been saying get out of the area now ... another major event is imminent. Both friends have packed up and left Christchurch. This sort of information is playing with my fear level in a big way. We have extended our stay in Hanmer by a couple of days. I'm just not ready to go back to the city.

Back to the running - a great release! And what a fabulous place to run! We have been going along the Dog Stream Walk which takes us through the forest. And I am going well. Saturday I ran for 10 minutes, then another 5 minutes after a 5 minute walk. I always end with a sprint through the "finish line" - this time through the gate entry to of our chalet unit.

That evening I had an amazing "Hot Stone" 80 minute massage. The therapist used 52 hot stones with warm oil to give me a deep heat massage. The small ones between my toes were a surprise and a delight! God, the whole experience was wonderful!! I highly recommend having a go sometime!

Sunday we took our bikes on a mountain bike trail - the "Easy Rider" track. A reasonable challenge for me given I haven't really ridden for many years beyond down the road for 5 minutes. And I was on Alana's sturdy old mountain bike from high school days - very dusty and rusty. Had a couple of hairy moments but it was exciting and fun.

Today I did my best run effort yet. Ran for 15 minutes, walked for 5, then ran for 9 1/2 minutes to the end of the track. Bruce says I should count it for 10 cause it was a gradual uphill! I also did the usual sprint "through the gate" at the end. Very satisfying and a great stress easer. After a light meal we ended the evening at the hotpools. They have been upgraded in a major way with lots more choices of heat levels and self-hydro therapy spa treatments. Oooooo.... such luxury!! Makes the running training all worth while.

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