10 April 2011

Day 99-101 Pier to pier and beyond. Did my 5km!!! 40 minutes!!

Wow! I've done it and I am about 2 months ahead of my goal date of 4 June!!

Today I decided that I'd start at the New Brighton Pier and do a circuit to arrive back at it. I stayed on roads so that I could actually measure the distance accurately in the car afterwards. I was aiming to extend myself to 35 minutes today and maybe get close to 4km.

So (for those who know the area) Bruce and I walked to the New Brighton Pier. I don't want to run on the beach cause I think that the slight slope hurts my left knee so I started my run at the clock tower which is even with the pier. We ran down Marine Parade to Bridge Street up to Estuary Road  and over to Shackleton, down to Marine Parade and back to the clocktower. I got to my goal of 35 minutes and felt ok so decided to go for 40 minutes! That took me down to Rawhiti Avenue to the house we used to live in on Marine Parade. Seemed like an auspicious end point to me. I even sprinted the final minute or so! I think I had a bit more in me but decided that was enough for today. The 20 minute walk home was a great warm down and chance to celebrate my achievement. 40 minutes!! Lots of good stretching when I got home too.

When I drove around the route later it was exactly 5km!! What a buzz that has been for me!

Judy Thoughts: This is amazing! I feel a paradigm shift has occurred in me. 3 months ago I believed this event was simply not possible. My head said no way - Judy this is crazy. My almost 60 year old body rebelled and did not respond very quickly. However, many people told me it was possible. I saw that others, though starting younger,  had done it. I decided to trust in the process and carried on. But there was huge doubt in me that I could make my body run for 40 minutes. From non-runner to runner ... I get it now!  And if I can do this ... what else that seems impossible now is actually possible!

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