07 April 2011

Day 96-98 Up to 30 minutes of running non-stop now!!!

Two rest days and then headed out with Bruce. Not expecting too much as I'd had a restless, sleepless night with an earthshake or two to keep us aware that it's not all over yet. I also kept thinking about the decisions to be made now about stay? leave? where to from here? fixing damaged properties? Not my usual middle of the night thoughts really.

Anyway, I set out with an open mind about how far and how long. I now know that it takes me about 5 - 10 minutes of pushing just to get my lungs opened up and working. Then I can chug along fairly comfortably. So, once I did an 11 minute walk and my running was well under way ... I just kept going - and never stopped till I was home!! Whew! It was about 3.5km - shorter than my usual 5km circuit cause the walkway was blocked off while repair work is being done. And just the right length to get me home - sprinting through the gate in 41 minutes.

Having my "running buddy" is a big help. I am very grateful that Bruce is willing to trot along beside me on shorter (for him) runs to keep me company. He is totally supportive of everything I decide to do. And there is absolutely no pressure from him to push or acheive to "his" expectations. He may make a comment from time to time about his experience of becoming a runner - which may or may not be relevant to me and I can take it and use it - or leave it. This is entirely my experience and he's there to enjoy it with me. It is often very comforting hearing his feet thudding along just behind me on the narrow dune track. And he says just enough positive things about my running style and pace to help me see myself from the outside and feel good.

Judy Thoughts: Guess what - I am actually enjoying this running caper now! And look forward to each experience to see what happens. Oh yes, an added bonus that I hadn't really set out to do but thought might happen along the way. I have "released" 2kg (= approx 4.5lbs)! Wouldn't mind another 3kg disappearing as well. At this rate it may all just take care of itself.

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