16 February 2011

Day 45-47 Virus puts me down for a few days

Day 45 woke with a head-ache that progressed to aches and chills in general. Third day of "rest" now - can't do much more at the moment anyway! I so rarely get knocked by any bugs, this is a real surprise. Just going with it for now.

Here's some interesting info to pass on from an experienced marathon runner ...

1. Plot your distances per day (forget time at this stage) and post a graph on the fridge so you can see your progress on a daily basis. Make sure that you have 2 non consecutive days off per week. Plot this graph by hand rather than using a software product.
2. Running on a slope like a beach puts extra strain on each leg as  the distance to the running surface is always different. (water side - longer distance than land side of the beach). Running 5k out and 5k back to compensate does not work.
3.Read "The Beginners Guide to Running" by Bob Glover. Library?
4. Read "Runners World" Library?
5.Check out ... http://www.activecanterbury.org.nz/StartingOut/StartingOutRunning.asp

Judy adds
1. My graph would be pretty boring cause my distance is always 5km and I have no interest in increasing this distance. And I don't care how long the 5km takes me. All I look for at this point is to run and walk equal times during that 5km distance and gradualy increase the run time and reduce the walk time. (Sorry to anyone who expects me to be more ambitious! My goal is clear and I am happy with it) I do write on the kitchen calendar whether it is a Run or Rest day and what I do on the Rest day as an alternative to running - usually a Zumba class, a walk or a swim. It's a good visual to track my pattern.  My strategy may change but for now I know my fitness level has improved significantly and that makes me proud.

2. I agree about the beach running and I have decided to stick to trails / mixed terrain for now or move fairly quickly off the beach as much as I love it. Even though I only ran on the beach when the tide was way out so it was very hard packed and appeared "level", I suspect that there was a very slight slope that may have put a strain on that left knee.

3&4. Will check out these books.

5. That's a good local web site, thanks. It somehow also led me to another site  http://www.mapmyrun.com/  and have found some other 5km circuits in my area   eg. Travis Wetland Walkway

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