08 February 2011

Day 36-39 Stubbed toe does not stop Judy!

3 rest days and I knew I was deep into avoidance. Mind you, my rest days included an hour+ of mowing lawns, lots of gardening and some walks. However, no matter how aerobic the "rest" activities may be - even the Zumba dance classes - my wonderful Bruce tells me that they do not equate to running. Yes, there is fitness crossover but ... only by running will I be able to run.

So let's see, what else to report. Last night I badly stubbed a toe - a nail ripped back and there's bit of blood and I'm thinking - can a person run with a sore stubbed toe? Then I stayed up late and woke up early so with about 4 1/2 hours of sleep, I am feeling a bit dopey. But did I let any of this stop me today?! NO! 4pm I got on all the gears and set out - dreading it, given all that I've said plus I had my last disappointing run day sitting in the back of my mind.

However, it was a beautiful summer's day and what's not to enjoy?! I split the running and walking up, stretched out a tight left knee muscle a few times, ignored my sore toe and did my loop feeling pretty pleased with myself.

Judy's Thoughts:   It doesn't seem so bad once I make a start. I just have to make a move and keep moving! And finding something in the day / activity to enjoy, like warm sunshine and clear blue sky, makes all the difference to me.   

1 comment:

  1. Judy,

    As long-time running Gonzos and a former beginning runner coach, we do a lot of discussing about running:

    - Having a set day/time to run is very important. The Thursday nite Gonzo run has been going on for over 30 years. Rather than work running into your schedule, work your schedule around very set run times
    - Running with a friend or as part of a group is a great support vehicle
    - Never decide not to run while in bed or sitting around reading the paper. If it is pouring down rain, but is your set day/time to run, get in the gear, put on the sneakers...THEN make the decision.
    - As we get older, we close doors on ourselves. Try this next time you run...warm up with a 5 minute walk, then run as long as you can without stopping...and no forethought as to how long that might be...with your current fitness and health I would be seriously surprised if this was less than 15 minutes and would expect at least 20. Give it a try, open that closed door in your mind...!
