13 February 2011

Day 43 - 44 A breakthrough

Yesterday I discovered lots of emails in my Gmail account! I rarely use Gmail (my main account is xtra) but it looks like this blog sends most posted comments to Gmail. Just by chance I opened it up and found so many supportive emails from following friends!! Wow!! I'll be looking there every day now as well as here and my xtra account.

People have shared their thoughts ranging from caution about potential injuries through to exploring beyond my current personal "limits". I appreciate both views and come somewhere in the middle - prepared to push myself to find out what I can actually do while staying conscious of doing this very safely.

There were also lots of specific strategies shared. Many people encouraged me to find a friend or a group to run with.  This, plus building strength and stamina, will bring in the FUN factor. Sure hope so!! (Unfortunately at this point I don't know anyone in my home town who is at my level or interest of beginning running and I simply couldn't keep up with "real" runners yet. I'll be on the lookout though.)

Other suggestions for the physical side of running were  ...   choose surfaces that work for me, stretch lots, use arms to propel forward, get in a rhythm, be aware of breathing so that it is deep, full and even, especially when I feel that I can't manage another breath.

Suggestions for that critical 90% mind portion that is running ...  set regular run times, enjoy the fitness "buzz", look for the beauty around me, take charge of my ID (Internal Dialgue), explore any limits I have set for myself. eg. what would happen if I ran for one more minute, took one more breath, went round one more corner ... before stopping. Be curious to experience what is on the other side of my "end point". Another idea - run as long as I can without stopping with no forethought as to how long that might be - "open that closed door in my mind".

I had decided that today was going to be a run day - as long as my knee was feeling pain free. (I decide the night before if the next day is a run or rest day) By mid-day I was feeling relaxed, totally painfree and eager to get out and put a lot of the thoughts that people had sent my way into action.

I've decided to leave the beach for awhile - running on wet packed sand may be putting too much strain on my knee. So I drove to the Estuary Walkway where the surface is hard packed earth covered with either fine gravel or pine needles and it has a little bit of up and down. Also, there's lots of birdlife and wetland to view along the way. (Surface and beauty strategies taken care of!)

Qigong by the waterside for a few minutes to loosen up joints and energy flow. Walk for 10 minutes to warm up my muscles and get my thoughts in order. Review my strategies and how this run is going to go. #1 This is going to be FUN! So smile and look up as you walk woman!

Start to run. First minute is a slog. At two minutes I am puffed and pissed off at myself and would have stopped but I heard my Bruce asking me - what would happen if you ran for one more minute? So I did. Then another and another and another ... and another! At times I was reduced to a very slow jog then I sped up again into a bit of a ... rhythm(!!)  I could even manage a quick hello to people that I passed on the walkway. I carried on walking and running for at least 5 minutes each time until I did my 5km. Stretched a bit at midway as well as when I was done. Also went for a short walk later in the day as I could feel myself getting a bit stiff.

I am feeling really chuffed with myself. This felt like the success I had on my treadmill day. Which makes me think that the surface I am running on at this point is quite important. Best time of the day to run? Mid-day seems to work best. Still checking that out. (Definitely not morning though! Or is that just another limiting belief?!)

Judy's Thoughts: Thanks everyone for joining me on my run today. I could hear your various voices from time to time! Who needs another group when I have all of you?!

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