21 February 2011

Day 48-52 A week of weak

Whew, glad I got past this week. A little virus touring our fair city snuck past my defences - I thought it might have been food poisoning until I heard about others having similar symptoms. Once the digestive tract settled down I was left feeling very tired so guess what - I slept through most of the week! Fortunately I had a hefty historical epic to keep me occupied when I wasn't sleeping as I wasn't up to much - especially running!

So today I felt better and headed out to see what my body was ready for. I walked along the river for half an hour. And that was enough. What a glorious summer's day!

Judy's thought: Great to be up and about again and enjoying life!

16 February 2011

Day 45-47 Virus puts me down for a few days

Day 45 woke with a head-ache that progressed to aches and chills in general. Third day of "rest" now - can't do much more at the moment anyway! I so rarely get knocked by any bugs, this is a real surprise. Just going with it for now.

Here's some interesting info to pass on from an experienced marathon runner ...

1. Plot your distances per day (forget time at this stage) and post a graph on the fridge so you can see your progress on a daily basis. Make sure that you have 2 non consecutive days off per week. Plot this graph by hand rather than using a software product.
2. Running on a slope like a beach puts extra strain on each leg as  the distance to the running surface is always different. (water side - longer distance than land side of the beach). Running 5k out and 5k back to compensate does not work.
3.Read "The Beginners Guide to Running" by Bob Glover. Library?
4. Read "Runners World" Library?
5.Check out ... http://www.activecanterbury.org.nz/StartingOut/StartingOutRunning.asp

Judy adds
1. My graph would be pretty boring cause my distance is always 5km and I have no interest in increasing this distance. And I don't care how long the 5km takes me. All I look for at this point is to run and walk equal times during that 5km distance and gradualy increase the run time and reduce the walk time. (Sorry to anyone who expects me to be more ambitious! My goal is clear and I am happy with it) I do write on the kitchen calendar whether it is a Run or Rest day and what I do on the Rest day as an alternative to running - usually a Zumba class, a walk or a swim. It's a good visual to track my pattern.  My strategy may change but for now I know my fitness level has improved significantly and that makes me proud.

2. I agree about the beach running and I have decided to stick to trails / mixed terrain for now or move fairly quickly off the beach as much as I love it. Even though I only ran on the beach when the tide was way out so it was very hard packed and appeared "level", I suspect that there was a very slight slope that may have put a strain on that left knee.

3&4. Will check out these books.

5. That's a good local web site, thanks. It somehow also led me to another site  http://www.mapmyrun.com/  and have found some other 5km circuits in my area   eg. Travis Wetland Walkway

13 February 2011

Day 43 - 44 A breakthrough

Yesterday I discovered lots of emails in my Gmail account! I rarely use Gmail (my main account is xtra) but it looks like this blog sends most posted comments to Gmail. Just by chance I opened it up and found so many supportive emails from following friends!! Wow!! I'll be looking there every day now as well as here and my xtra account.

People have shared their thoughts ranging from caution about potential injuries through to exploring beyond my current personal "limits". I appreciate both views and come somewhere in the middle - prepared to push myself to find out what I can actually do while staying conscious of doing this very safely.

There were also lots of specific strategies shared. Many people encouraged me to find a friend or a group to run with.  This, plus building strength and stamina, will bring in the FUN factor. Sure hope so!! (Unfortunately at this point I don't know anyone in my home town who is at my level or interest of beginning running and I simply couldn't keep up with "real" runners yet. I'll be on the lookout though.)

Other suggestions for the physical side of running were  ...   choose surfaces that work for me, stretch lots, use arms to propel forward, get in a rhythm, be aware of breathing so that it is deep, full and even, especially when I feel that I can't manage another breath.

Suggestions for that critical 90% mind portion that is running ...  set regular run times, enjoy the fitness "buzz", look for the beauty around me, take charge of my ID (Internal Dialgue), explore any limits I have set for myself. eg. what would happen if I ran for one more minute, took one more breath, went round one more corner ... before stopping. Be curious to experience what is on the other side of my "end point". Another idea - run as long as I can without stopping with no forethought as to how long that might be - "open that closed door in my mind".

I had decided that today was going to be a run day - as long as my knee was feeling pain free. (I decide the night before if the next day is a run or rest day) By mid-day I was feeling relaxed, totally painfree and eager to get out and put a lot of the thoughts that people had sent my way into action.

I've decided to leave the beach for awhile - running on wet packed sand may be putting too much strain on my knee. So I drove to the Estuary Walkway where the surface is hard packed earth covered with either fine gravel or pine needles and it has a little bit of up and down. Also, there's lots of birdlife and wetland to view along the way. (Surface and beauty strategies taken care of!)

Qigong by the waterside for a few minutes to loosen up joints and energy flow. Walk for 10 minutes to warm up my muscles and get my thoughts in order. Review my strategies and how this run is going to go. #1 This is going to be FUN! So smile and look up as you walk woman!

Start to run. First minute is a slog. At two minutes I am puffed and pissed off at myself and would have stopped but I heard my Bruce asking me - what would happen if you ran for one more minute? So I did. Then another and another and another ... and another! At times I was reduced to a very slow jog then I sped up again into a bit of a ... rhythm(!!)  I could even manage a quick hello to people that I passed on the walkway. I carried on walking and running for at least 5 minutes each time until I did my 5km. Stretched a bit at midway as well as when I was done. Also went for a short walk later in the day as I could feel myself getting a bit stiff.

I am feeling really chuffed with myself. This felt like the success I had on my treadmill day. Which makes me think that the surface I am running on at this point is quite important. Best time of the day to run? Mid-day seems to work best. Still checking that out. (Definitely not morning though! Or is that just another limiting belief?!)

Judy's Thoughts: Thanks everyone for joining me on my run today. I could hear your various voices from time to time! Who needs another group when I have all of you?!

11 February 2011

Day 40 - 42 Run beteween the rests

Day 41 was a run day. Headed out about 5pm after a busy day. Took a different route than my usual loop. South on the beach from the S. Brighton Surf Life Saving Club and back on the inside of the dunes which had lots more ups and downs than I'm used to. Probably time to introduce a bit of incline into the mix.

I'm really struggling with this. Physically, I feel strong (legs and heart) but my lungs still seem to have a low capacity to carry me forward for any length of time. Also a muscle on my inner left knee gets stiff and causes some pain. It makes me nervous. I really don't want to hurt myself and don't know if I am being overly cautious. I stopped to stretch and then do some Qigong joint/energy loosening up about mid-way. Carried on at a slower pace. I always enjoy doing some good stretching afterwards and I also stretched several times today on a rest day - but knee still sore if I sit still for too long. Time for a massage perhaps?

Judy's Thoughts: Remind me why I started out on this journey?! Can I revert to being a good strong walker without losing too much face? But then I'd never know if I could also be a runnner. So I will persevere.

08 February 2011

Day 36-39 Stubbed toe does not stop Judy!

3 rest days and I knew I was deep into avoidance. Mind you, my rest days included an hour+ of mowing lawns, lots of gardening and some walks. However, no matter how aerobic the "rest" activities may be - even the Zumba dance classes - my wonderful Bruce tells me that they do not equate to running. Yes, there is fitness crossover but ... only by running will I be able to run.

So let's see, what else to report. Last night I badly stubbed a toe - a nail ripped back and there's bit of blood and I'm thinking - can a person run with a sore stubbed toe? Then I stayed up late and woke up early so with about 4 1/2 hours of sleep, I am feeling a bit dopey. But did I let any of this stop me today?! NO! 4pm I got on all the gears and set out - dreading it, given all that I've said plus I had my last disappointing run day sitting in the back of my mind.

However, it was a beautiful summer's day and what's not to enjoy?! I split the running and walking up, stretched out a tight left knee muscle a few times, ignored my sore toe and did my loop feeling pretty pleased with myself.

Judy's Thoughts:   It doesn't seem so bad once I make a start. I just have to make a move and keep moving! And finding something in the day / activity to enjoy, like warm sunshine and clear blue sky, makes all the difference to me.   

05 February 2011

Day 34-35 Got myself a runner's watch.

On my rest day I went shopping for a runner's watch. The treadmill workout had gone so well two days ago. And I think a big part of that was being able to do the equal run/walk times using the console data. I thought that having a runner's watch with big numbers (remember, I have almost 60 year old eyes!) to keep track of my run/walk times outdoors would be really helpful. I found one and spent half the day learning how the watch worked! It's one of the simpler ones but still - quite a complex little computer for my wrist. And yes, it has a heart rate monitor as well as a Fitness Test option and records all your personal data and every bloody thing you do! Even beeps at you if your heart rate goes outside your "training zone" that has been entered. All I really wanted was a watch with big numbers that are easy to read! Ah well...

So with all this extra technology at my disposal (and a new top to wear!) you'd think I'd have an exceptional run! I was so excited as I set out, looking forward to exceeding the success of my treadmill run/walk a couple of days ago. However, my vision of loping easily down the beach was dashed when I found a very high tide and a wicked easterly wind blowing in which had me scurrying up to the top of the dunes and down to the inside track for shelter. I suppose I could try to blame it on the tide, the wind, the uneven surfaces, the sun in my eyes, ... let's see what else can I think of to blame? Fact is, I felt knocked back and just couldn't get going. So, repeating my 5 minute run / 5 minute walk for 5km wasn't going to happen. I quickly decided to continue the strategy but switched to 2 minute walk / 2 minute run for most of the time. I still managed the final sprint from the corner and through the gate.

I felt so disappointed in myself! Where's the progress? Doubts once more crept in. But Bruce's words give me some hope. He talks about how his body can be different every time he goes out running. The conditions can all be exactly the same. Same route, clothes, shoes, weather, food, time of day.  And, sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is hard. A bit like life?! Managing the internal is a key to putting one foot in front of the other.

Judy's Thoughts: I've heard that running takes place 90% in the mind. When I first heard this I was skeptical and thought that was pretty high but am now beginning to get an inkling of what that means when applied to physical effort.  

02 February 2011

Day 33 Zumba dance class

Just back from a Zumba dance class and sipping on a delish berry smoothie. If you've never been, Zumba is a highly aerobic 1 hour dance workout to Latin rhythms and sort of easy-to-follow routines. The adverts say "Ditch the workout. Join the party!"  And it is good fun. I laugh about as much as I sweat (lots!) As the instructor says, if you lose it during a routine just keep grooving! It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you move your body!

Anyway, I'm left wondering if this counts as a run or a rest day. It was pretty full on for an hour so I'll clock it in as a run day. So tomorrow - yoga? The interesting thing I notice is that I have recovered more quickly today than I did when I started going to Zumba the month before Christmas. Seems that the running efforts have crossed over to dance classes - as I would expect.

Judy Thoughts: General fitness is improving which is gratifying given the time and effort put in to this venture.

01 February 2011

Day 32 - Swim on a rest day

A new month begins with a rest day even though I don't feel any ill effects from yesterday's big (for me) push. I'll keep following the advice to have rest days follow run days. To "rest" I went for a swim with friends at Jelly Park - a great facility where we could alternate indoor and outdoor swims with a sauna, steamroom and spa. My body felt well treated today. We'll see what tomorrow brings.