06 June 2011

Running into 60. The post run debrief.

I am feeling so proud of myself! I said I'd do something challenging by a certain time and I did it. Completion is very satisfying for me. It was difficult. At times it felt impossible. I had to constantly be looking into myself and asking - what am I truly capable of. And explore a variety of strategies that would help me reach my goal.

And equally important for the success of this "quest" were my supporters. When I felt doubtful, my family and friends had no doubts. When I felt discouraged, they were always there with encouraging words.

So what happened on my birthday run day?!! After a good night's sleep I wake to my 60th birthday. There are early morning presents from Bruce and Alana and more to open from family and friends over a French Toast, blueberries and maple syrup breakfast made by Bruce. The phone begins to ring and cell texts buzz in with greetings from afar. I feel very happy - and since most of the "post match" party prep has been done the day before, I can relax and flow with the day.

I had asked for sunshiny blue skies - and got grey ones with the sun working it's way through from time to time. It is cool and windy but not cold and rainy so I have a great running day weather wise.

At 2:30 the doorbell rings and the first supporter arrives. Then by 3pm we are all here and ready to set out. There are 3 of us actually running - Bruce, Yosay and myself. Alana said she might run for part of the route - maybe the last km? Geoff just laughed when I asked if he would be running - and didn't even bring his bike! The boring old piker! Denise, Roy and Alan are on bikes and have cameras and video ready to capture the event. Neville will be cheering at the finish line along with John and Michele - who are racing into town after their Farmer's Market to be here for the finish. Gavin and Viv are also on there way after tending to their horses. Nicky took the picture below and will be driving around to cheer me on at different places along the route.

We all set out for the New Brighton Clocktower, my usual starting point. As we cross the road, I hear Alana shouting out BUS!! just to make sure the 60 year old star runner doesn't get smooshed by the passing bus before she has a chance to even start her run! Good save Alana!

It's become a very windy day - something I haven't had to deal with until now so I have no idea how I'll cope with it. Just hope it blows with me to help out!

Others have arrived for the start. Here's Nicky. Also Jon and 1 of his 2 girls.

And there's Kirsty too! I mill around in some confusion for a bit, giving hugs and laughing a lot. Then decide ...  it's time!

We step up to the start line and they count me down - Five, four, .....  GO! Does Judy look excited?! In fact I am so excited that I forget to press my watch run timer to record the time (so there's no official time on this run which suits me fine. It's not what today is about) 

And once I started running, I kept laughing and waving - and then, I have a bit of a panic! I couldn't catch my breath! Settle down Judy - you are here to complete your 5km! Once I'm under way, everyone scatters to take up their positions. Little did I know some of the surprises in store for me!

 Kites were out flying for me! Well, they fly most days but I'll claim them for today!

We head up the track into the dunes.

Here we come! Alan is in position to catch me puffing up the first incline into the dunes - and I'm still smiling! In fact, I think I kept smiling for the whole run!!

And here's surprise #1! Who should pop out from behind some dune grasses but - Geoff ! In his running gear and ready to join the fun. That guy can fool me into believing anything! So now there are 4 runners.

 And then there were 7 plus a dog! Further along Grant, his son Luke and daughter Rosa hop out of hiding and run with us too. As well as Alice the beagle. Roy is on his bike, videoing from behind, and Alan behind him although he gets in front too somehow! I can't keep track of everyone at this point. It is becoming quite the entourage! So I settle into some proper running.

And amidst all this activity, I manage to sort out a rather personal dilemma. For some reason my pants start falling down! I keep hitching them up, trying to be discreet, but down they slide. Never before - why now?!! I reach deep, hoping I don't get caught on video, and do a final hefty hitch up. Whew! They decide to stay put.

What other special challenges do you suppose are in store for me?! Oh yes, drinking on the run. Now that takes a bit of practice which I hadn't done during my training runs. Trying to drink and breathe at the same time? Ha! I end up with water all over my face a couple of times.

Around another curve, and Sarah pops up to cheer us on! And Rosa drops off to be with her Mom. Then the rest of us wend our way along the inner dune track. Isn't it beautiful?! I love it.

We come out at Bridge Street. Paulette is there to take a picture (which she delivers to me at home hot off the press almost straight after the run!). Alana is waiting with Nicky and Denise - and now ... Alana joins in the run!! This is so exciting, having my daughter run alongside of me too!!


Down to the round-about, along Estuary Road to Admiral's Way and we are all doing just fine. Except for Alan who notices he has a flat tire. So he takes a shortcut home to get his car and be at the house to record the finish of the run.

I have settled down by now and am breathing easily again after all the surprises and distractions of the first half of the run. It was lots of fun - however, I was all over the place with my running and breathing and trying to get any rhythm going was hard!

Bruce gives me a few of his quiet encouragers from time to time - assuring me that I am going at a good pace and doing really well. There's no way I am going to stop, especially with a camera rolling on me much of the time! But he can tell when I am struggling a bit and helps me along. There are encouraging comments from everyone else too as well as a few jokes along the way. Humour is a great energiser!

We curve around to hook up to the Avon River and trot along the top of the rough embankment that has been built to prevent flooding during the next full moon King tide extra high tide).

At 4km we turn the corner at Beresford St and there's Kirsty and Paulette in front of their house to cheer us on! Alana runs over to give them a hug then catches us up to carry on down towards Marine Parade. (Video clip too big to download. Will find another way to share it)

I suggest that people can turn down Oram Ave to get to the finish line to cheer me in so Luke, Alana, Geoff and Yosay head off to the right ...

while Bruce, Grant, Alice (the beagle) and I carry on straight for another .5km with Denise on bike support, Roy rolling the video and Alan capturing this moment.

People are waiting in anticipation at the Finish Line for Judy to appear ...

So close to completing now. I'll let Roy's video clip bring me in. Well, turns out it's too big to download here. I'll have to find a way to convert it so I can share it with you. However, there are a few pics to share...
The home stretch - here we come!

And I'm across. May be out of focus but you can get the emotion of the moment?!

Some happy moments and sweaty hugs as people celebrate with me...

Speech!! Judy wrapped up in her Finish Line ribbon!

And then there's the party ...

Nibbles while Judy showers

The feast - and amazing flower arrangement from my brother Rob and family in Canada

Fellas digging in

Judy blowing candles out - the traditional Green family Orange Chiffon birthday cake baked by Alana!
Yes, the 60 on the cake - no hiding it now for sure!
 So, the party continued. We celebrated good fun, food and friendship. What I wrote in my visualisation for this day has all come about! I am so grateful!

By the way, I'd also asked for no earthquakes - and there were only 2 tiny shakes about 11am so nothing major to unsettle me. (However, as I write today on Monday we've just had a big 5.5 shake = "new event" that rattled everyone in the city and surroundings. I was heading out the door for that one! But no major damage or injuries reported.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, my goodness. And a wonderful time was had by all. Once again....good on ya. Looking good and hopefully, feeling good.
